Sunday, November 22, 2009

Rain and Clouds.

No ok not another post about the weather. Its funny though, i never used to have much opinon about the weather, but now im generally intersted in talking about it. Sad. It was actally sunny for 2 days this week. Think maybe at least 2 or 3 hours of sun! Maede mne real happy.

But yeh. Yestersay i went to Tiviloi, its like this old old amusment park. Maybe one of oldest? But them i dont really know. But its definlty realy nice! Sawq this show called Mama Marfia. Cuz afs had extra tikets so didnt have to pay to get in. real nice cuz Tiviloi is expensive i think. But yeh it was really nice! Irt was all decorated for critmsa and there were heaps of lil shops and aww i had the best ice cream! i dunt even no why.. it was like 5 degrees andi was eating ice cream. haha. but it wass yummy.

Then theexcange kids stayed in KPH. And then i jumoped onm y train back to næstved and had sopme drins with some Italians and a Brazilian. Was nice. Then went to a classmates birthday thing and ended up climbing some hill thrugh some bushes at 3 or 4 in the morning. Git some nice scars now. And very dirty gumboots. =)

Yeh so whats new? Well i can almost play a song on the guitar. I can play a bt of a sog anyway. My strumming sucks. But iom getting better! of course. ok im really hungry. Cornflakes break.

Jeg er meget sulten, cornflakes pause nu! haha.

Yeh so. Thats life.

Bruises. Shitty weather. No money.

nice :)

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