Wednesday, August 5, 2009


think its been 6ish days in denmark...=)
been pretty sweet. i like roller blading. its my new passion. one sday im goinhg tolearn to do it without my knee pads and elbow pads sand wrist pads. and ill look real cool.

cant wait tto start school next week! cant wait to get me some friends. hahaa aww

Mom.. when you send the skateboard can yuo send some t shirts too? cuz dont really have alot... and a sweátshirt? cuz stuff is reeeeaaly expensive hére. tak.

thankyou reed for reading my sweet blog. ill write it just fr you if no one else reads it.=*)


  1. haha cool =], i thought everyone else stole your clothes? xD. and btw im reading this so keep postin!!!

  2. U r as an exchange student in DK ?.. COOL :)
