Saturday, July 3, 2010

Back in New Zealand

My final blog entry..
This is kind of ending my exchange year completely now! No more Denmark.. no more danish to learn... no more blog to write. Little bit sad actually.

End of an error ;)

But i did do a few things since my last blog. I went to thailand :)
And it was super nice. Thanks to my very nice host father and Pares ma and far. :)

What i noticed most about Thailand was the contrast. In Bangkok there were huge sky scrapers with primitive wooden buildings just next to it. 

Very cool ;)

You probably have seen all about the shootings and protests in Bangkok not too long ago.. was really interesting to talk to Pares parents about it. Inside info.. ;)  This is a place a bit like Christiana in Denmark where freedom is very supported. There were lots of holes in the garages where bullets had gone.

Tuk tuk!

But yeh Thailand was very nice way to end my exchange year. Then i went back to Dk where i stayed for 5 days then went p to Copenhagen to the end of year camp. At camp we just slept, ate, made mess, cleaned, then left. haha and then after 40ish hours and lots of yum plane food we were back! Got all freaked out cuz the immigration form said if you fail to declare anything you could get 5 years in prision. And i wasnt about to risk that! So of course i ticked everything there was.. and of course got searched for ages and ages. Then had my first frozen coke in a year.

Funny to hear new zealand accents ... and just walkikng through school hearing bit of peoples convosations is weird. 
Today i went to a sausage sizzle fundrasier my sister was doing. And yesterday i chopped a hole lot of onions and smelt real nice. And thats pretty much all that happens in New Zealand. 
Sausages and onions.

Goodbye my loyal readers. Thankyou for reading... :D
Vi ses!

Og tak for aar!

-Hilary ;)

Thursday, June 10, 2010

20 more days!


Iv been a lil neglectful of my blog latly.. and i have legit excuses too!
The weathers been super nice. And i had exams in school to 'study' for. And I have work for new zealand to do. And my room to tidy. And hoodies to order. And stuff to do...

But I was suprised how much stuff you can acclimate in one year!Already chucked out so many bags of stuff. Its a lil sad actally. I liked my stuff. I had growen kind of attached to everything i had. Like brochures and stuff and bits of paper with notes. I have yet to find a few missing libary books from school too.. :/

And i mentioned hoodies.. i am also very surprise at how much work ordering hoodies for exchange students is.

And exams. Are over! I did two 'exchange student' ones. One speaking and one writing to test our danish. I think i did ok.
And i did an english exam. I think i did ok.. ;)
And a AT one on the Holocaust. I got a 7 grade! Which is also ok. I think.


Last weekend i went to Århus, which is on Jutland, which is the one attached to Germany and visited Catherine. Who was an exchange student in New Zealand last year who stayed with me for a while. Was really nce! We went to Asos, which is a art muesum. And saw 'The Boy'! Hes so cool..

Stole this from kelsi actally. But its still the sae guy i saw too. :)
Hes almost 5 meters tall! So cool..

Summer time almost!

Friday, May 7, 2010


10 things i will miss about Denmark.

1) Buying my own alcohole(18 in nz)
2) The school. The school system in dk is so much better then in nz. Theres couches, and rollerblades, and computers, and insde places to eat lunch, and apple trees, and lots of carparks, and calling the teacher by their first name is cool too!
3) Cycling, having a cycle lane almos all the way from my house to town. Bt in most areas its everywhere! I like to cycle.
4) The pretty old houses, Its really charming country i think.
5) Trying to speak danish. And getting excited over understanding a lil bit more.
6) My bed - cuz its real nice. And my tv even though I cant find the remote.
7) Being an exchange student - cuz sometimes it helps ;)
8) Going to Sepps
9) Taking the train
10) Of course my family here :)

Oh and exchange students, how they are all sort of your extended family. I have a family of exchange students. Haha cool :) And introducing my self as Hilary, From new zealand.
And the funny danish people iv met too! Teaching me all about danish culture. Beer and vodka and that sort of stuff ;)
Oh and seeing snow was raelly cool too! Even though i never want a cold winter again. It was a good experiance.

10 things I am looking forward to about New Zealand

1) Having a Mum. So she can make me food i like, and make my lunch, and sort out my stuff and pick me up. Having a mum is nice :)
2) My car! I miss the freedom of driving. Not having the bus timetable rule my life.
3) Understanding the language. Proberly the biggest thing im looking forward too actally.
4) NZ FOOD. Mince pies and fish and chips.. mmm.
5) Summer new years. Definitly the real new years! And hamurana springs. And the lake.
6) My bed too
7) Wearing school uniform. Never ever though id say that.
8) Getting my hair cut by Racheal on the 31st of June.
9) Meeting the exchange kids in my town.
10) Going home for the first time in a year. Going to be so nice.

Im also looking forward to seeing how New Zealand culture seems to me now after living in DK for a year. I think that will be interesting. And wearing my I love KPH hoodie without looking stupid. haha.


Nu det er forår, og jeg tror ikke nogen læser min blog, haha, jeg skal prove til skriver på dansk. Måske med en LILLE hjæpe fra google translate. Måske ;)

Skole er næste ferdig, det er så crazy! Jeg er sikker en hele år ikke er ferdig already!
Så... vi har bare 9 dag på skole. Og den det er holidays! Til mig, og de exchange student, fordi vi har ikke exams. :) så det godt.

Jeg kan ikke husk hvad jeg har laver..

Jeg har købt en stor rød tasket. Så det er nu en problem til tage hjemme med mig. Men det SKAL kom hjemme. Fordi jeg kan godt lide det meget.

Jeg elsker dig, stor rød tasket.

Jeg har være til thai fest. Og spillede på legeplasden og spist masser thai mad.

                                                     Det er lil Carolina, hun er så sød :)

Og jeg kan nu sige 'jeg er sulten' og 'jeg er ikke sulten' og 'skål' på thai.

Oh, sisdt weekend var denne ting i Fællenparken. Mensker drikker øl og der er folk tale om ting og musik spill også. Så det var sjovt :) Og det var også min host brors fødesdagen.

Det er en wind mill.
Hvor dansk folk fik varm vand og lys fra.

Jeg har lavet mit lekter også. :D

Tuesday, March 30, 2010


The day before yesterday i came home from Madrid. Whichj is in Spain. I went with my class 2F :)
It is actlly areally nice city. So much is happening all the time its crazy. I mean, theres more things going on on a monday night then there ever is on a friday or saturday night here. haha.
                                                    Det er vores lærer Henrik. Han er sjovt ;)
                                                    Men han er lidt forvirret..

We did lots of walking, and lots of eating and lots of stuff like that.
But i got a crazy spanish dieaese and couldnt do anything for two days. Haha. Nah. I just didnt listion and drunk the tap water. Cuz im tough like that.

Vi drikker stor øl

Found some nice places for drinks and stuff. And some not so nice places... And alsi met some funny people. One night ended up running aroiund a few hours before ouir plane left lookiing for a pizza bar with a group of either polish or spanish or switz people. We never found the pizza bar.

Theres a lot of nice looking places in Madrid though. Ans some real nice muesiumsd and art gallerys.

Vi har super nice vjer
Det var sol :)


Got lost once trying to find the supermarket to get some water. And i kept going further and further cuz i kept seeing interesting shops .. and it was really sad cuz i was lost. And it was rainig. With no phone. And no one speaks english. But you have to get lost i guess. All part of the experiance ;)
But on the metro i saw a poor nervous looking woman and she was also lost. And english. So that was nice :)

Yes this would be metro which is not in nz. And it was hard i guess to see so many homeless- this is a photo of some homeless peoples houses. Contrasts a lot from denmark i think. And new zealand.

Flot arcitecture

Chupachup :)

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Spring :)

Hello to all my keen readers...

Mum and Lorne proberly.


Its now spring! In march... :S so confusing. And at school there are baby chickens :) Theyr so sweet. I named one frank. But then i found out they already have names. I was kind of disapointed. Hopefully they arent getten eaten after the school is finished with them. I will take them home and they can go live in the chickem house with Jeff the roster :)

Vi drikker kafe ud igen :)
Det er nice
Fordi det er ikke så koldt og ikke så mange sne nu

Iv eaten so much cornflakes in the last two days. I ate for breakfast.. then before i went out yesterday.. wheni came home.. and right now.

Dont make me eat any more...

But theres still four packets siting in the cuboard that my host dad bought for me.


hard life ;)

Saw Alice in Wonderlans last night. It was sweet :) I like Alce in Wonderland.

Oohh my highlight of the week is this new sommersby thats just came out. I was casually walking around town and went into superbest to buy some coffee... cuz the coffee we had was really really bad and we have a new coffee maker and whats a beeterer way to celebrate than with new coffee? And I walked in.. and sitting right there was this huge stand.. and on it was all these sommerbys! But they wernt normal sommerbys.. they were yellow. And they were flower flavoured! And its been almost a hole week and i still havent tryed it.
Im wanting to save it for a special moment. Becaues you dont get a new flavoured sommersby every day.
Especially when it tastes like a flower ;)